Effective and efficient training is at the core of Advanced Riders North Yorkshire. Although the tutors are all volunteers, they are all current RoSPA Advanced Riders and have completed a rigorous programme of tutor training on ongoing skills assessments.
ARNY is more than just training. It is a group of like minded motorcyclists who want to improve their riding and their enjoyment of their bike, and want to help others do the same.

ARNY Training
The training process
The overall aim of ARNY training is to enable associates to pass the RoSPA advanced riding test at the highest possible level. The approach to training is flexible enough to suit riders with all levels of experience from newly qualified riders to more experienced, and even previous advanced riders.
The process often starts with a taster ride which enables a one on one discussion as to how the training works and also a chance to meet one, if not more, of the tutors.
Once the decision has been made to join ARNY the associate will be issued with a high-vis vest, a copy of Roadcraft, the police rider's handbook on which all of the training is based and a personalised training booklet.
The training booklet identifies six key knowledge areas which are the foundations of future learning and will form the basis of the early lessons. A typical lesson will involve a pre-training review of progress to date, agreement and discussion of the goals for the days lesson with coverage of the relevant theory and then a pre-ride check before a training ride. The route taken, the nature of the lesson and the number of stops during the ride will depend on the aim of specific lesson.
At the end of the ride there is a discussion and de-brief where the associate and tutor will record details of the ride. Finally suggestions will be recorded in the training record for the focus of the next lesson.

The ARNY Way
Training to suit your needs
The speed with which the training is undertaken is flexible and designed to match associates availability, learning styles and goals.
At ARNY we do not dedicate an individual Tutor to an associate. Those attending training on a Saturday morning will be allocated a tutor who will work with them for that training session. The training booklet helps to ensure consistency in the approach to training and the involvement of different tutors helps the associates to benefit from tutors with different levels of experience and backgrounds. All tutors are available to help with any issues at any time.
For those that are unavailable on a Saturday morning, or who would like training at other times a request is made and any available tutors will make the necessary arrangements to meet the associate for a lesson.
Once associates are comfortable, and tutors believe the time is right, one of the advanced tutors will conduct a pre-test assessment in preparation for the associate to take the test.