As well as focussing on high quality rider training, ARNY has an active social agenda.
Monthly events include:
"Sunday Social" ride for all members
"Wednesday Wobble" ride for all members
"Post Test Social" ride for qualified members
Annual events include:
ARNY Weekend Social ride for all members
Christmas Social get together for all members
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Details are communicated via the News blog, Facebook and WhatsApp. All social events are included on the ARNY Attendance Sheet and can be seen in the ARNY Calendar here.
Riders are encouraged to review the group riding hints, tips and etiquette, see below for more details.
Monthly Social Rides
Sunday Social and Wednesday Wobble
All members including pillions welcome
"Sunday Social" is a mix of riding, coffee & cake, lunch and afternoon ice cream, if the weather suits
"Wednesday Wobble" is a mix of riding and evening supper
Normally, monthly socials are Tutor led events
Post Test Social
Qualified members, thus for those no longer needing Saturday Training
"Post Test Social" is a mix of riding and lunch, end destination may match Saturday Training Associates

ARNY Weekend Social​
Typically, what to expect:
All members including pillions welcome
Three-day trip with a two-night hotel stop
Banter and food a plenty
Day 1 interesting roads to a scenic destination
Day 2 local rides near hotel
Day 3 return via different panaramic route

Social rides hints and tips
Safety: to ensure everybody has a safe and enjoyable social ride, all participants are fully briefed by the ride leader at the start.
Navigation: the "Drop-Off System", designed to ensure nobody gets lost, may be used for larger groups. An explanation of the "Drop-Off System" can be found here.
Hints and Tips: social rides hints and tips can be found here.