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Sunday September 25th Social Ride - Aske For Chocolate.

Dave Reeve

An ARNY Sunday Social Ride, hosted by Paul Stead taking in some of the fine twisty roads between Boroughbridge and Richmond and into eastern edge of the Dales.

We will start at Morrisons Car Park, at 9:30 for a 10:00am departure and wind our way up via the outskirts of Northallerton to the former Aske estate a few miles north of Richmond for elevenses at a cafe with a twist! Mocha is both cafe and chocolatiers and offers the most amazing hot chocolate and mocha drinks as well as selling gourmet chocolates. Our way back to York will pass through Richmond, Leyburn, Masham and Ripon, stopping en route for a light lunch.

A relaxed social ride suitable for all including pillions - all ARNY members welcome.


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