The major focus for the “Look Back” for September is not on ARNY but more on us all looking back on the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth ll with whom, as did many people and organisations, we had a special link as she was patron of RoSPA. Out of respect for the late Queen we cancelled some training and social events in the middle of the month.
Despite our pause to reflect, September was another busy month for ARNY with 9 Associates involved in 14 training sessions. We also welcomed 4 new members. As a result of the number of new members we have attracted in 2022, we have identified some potential new Tutors and have started the process of training to help with future training demand. The Tutor training process is a well-defined and structured programme, and it takes some time for a new Tutor to become competent, comfortable and then signed off for the role. Watch this space over the next few months for news as to when new Tutors are added to the team.

There was a monthly social ride towards the end of the month when Tutor Paul S hosted his first, and very successful, ride out with a much appreciated chocolate themed stop. All that went along thoroughly enjoyed the experience. There is only one more planned social ride for this year at the end of October, which will see the summer riding season end, before we start the winter calendar. Details of the last ride out will be available through the normal channels. Whilst we do not have a formal social calendar planned for the winter season, there will undoubtedly be a few ride outs advertised, as the weather allows, for those who ride throughout the year.
In November there is a meeting planned with the Tutors, and Committee members to look and back and reflect on the year as a whole. This is a new initiative and it is being held for all concerned to discuss, and review, what has gone well throughout the year and what we could possibly do differently. We made some changes to the way we operate for 2022, for example posting a full social calendar for the year at start of the year, and on the whole the changes seem to have been well received and positive. As always, however, we will be looking to identify any areas for improvement.

ARNY exists for the benefit of the members, both those who are actively training and those who have a test pass and enjoy the social aspect of the club. The Tutors and Committee are solely focussed on making the group a success and to try and make sure that the training we provide is as good, and enjoyable, as possible. If anybody has any ideas, suggestions or comments that could help us meet that overall goal, now is the time to raise them so that they can be discussed at the forthcoming meeting. Please feel free to contact any of the Tutors, email: marketing@arny.org.uk or post a comment or suggestion on the group Whatsapp. Any input will be welcomed and included in the discussions.
Much to the amusement of some, a few of us have already got the heated gear in play and as we approach the end of the summer riding season, we all hope for a few more good riding days before the nights close right in and the cold weather is really upon us!
Until next time….