As we approach the end of the summer riding season, whilst the weather wasn’t always perfect, the month of September turned out to be a great example of what ARNY is all about. The month started and ended with social activities, training continued as per normal and there were some great test passes to throw in to the mix as well!
The month started with Bev’s rearranged Sunday social ride which was well attended and enjoyed by all. The misty and damp start meant some of the views of the great landscape were a little difficult to make out but the ride over the Dales, as usual excellently led by Bev, was a great mix of great roads and coffee stops. Lunch was at the Queen’s Head in Litton with some great pies on the menu which went down very well. For those with staying power the ride finished with ice cream at Risplith. A great and enjoyable day out not spoilt at all by the indifferent weather.

Training continued throughout the month as usual with a mix of normal training, post-test training for those approaching a re-test as well as pre-test assessments for those with tests planned. It is normal to have a bit of a focus on tests as the riding season ends and this month was no exception. We had two test passes with a third at the start of October. Congratulations go to Steve, Phil and Andy for excellent test passes and a job well done. We look forward to their continued involvement in the club in the future.

The month ended with the long-awaited social weekend based in in Innerleithen. The group which ended up with 19 bikes and 25 attendees met up in Boroughbridge before setting off in four groups. The trolley shelters in the Morrison’s car park were a welcome reprieve from the rain at the start but things soon brightened up, the rain stopped, and everybody enjoyed the ride up with coffee and lunch stops on the way.
On the Saturday there were 4 rideouts taking in different routes to Kelso, St Abbs Head, Moffat and Holy Island. From the pictures posted, and the discussions in the bar in the evening, everybody had a great time whichever route they chose. Sunday morning saw people taking various routes home at the end of a great weekend. There were lots of pictures posted on the ARNY Facebook page as well as the group WhatsApp so take a look if that is of interest.

There has already been a lot of enthusiasm shown, and discussions have started, about the event next year and this will be on the agenda for the next committee meeting. There will be a Sunday Social ride hosted by John Neaves on October 27th and we all hope for decent weather for our final social ride of the year.
At the end of the month a link will be sent out for the Winter Training spreadsheet so keep an eye out for that. It will be posted on the ARNY Member WhatsApp group as well as the website. This will allow people who wish to continue training throughout the Winter to indicate their intention to attend on a Saturday morning.
Here’s hoping for some decent October riding conditions to that we can make the most of the time left before the nights close in even more.
Until next time….