The last two months have seen us move on to the winter training catalogue but, despite the change in the weather, the levels of activity have been unusually high with more training in November than October. Over the period there have been 28 training sessions involving 9 associates and 12 of the tutor team.
As always, training through the winter period is a matter of personal choice and there is no expectation in that respect. The Tutor team will remain active and available throughout the winter period for anybody who would like to train. The weather, and associated conditions, are monitored as we approach Saturday training and a decision to cancel is made if the conditions are considered to be unsafe in any way. The conditions at our home locations, and on route, can vary widely so we should all make our own decisions with respect to whether to ride or not. The cancellation of training will be communicated via the normal channels and the aim is to make the decision in a timely fashion so please keep any eye out for any relevant communications if you are in doubt.

Tutor John Neaves stepped up to lead the last Sunday social ride of the year with a Dracula themed ride to Whitby which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who went along.
The formal social rides will cease throughout the winter period but keep an eye out for news of social rides that may be organised if the weather is kind and the opportunity arises.
There were 6 new members who joined over the last two months, which is a very high number for the end of season, and great to see. We welcome, Jezz, Jane, Jason, Carl, Dave and Bryan. As always people join ARNY for a range of reasons, and from different backgrounds and riding experience, and we wish them all the very best for their training and look forward to seeing them at the social events next year.

Towards the end of the November most of the Tutor group met up to look back on the year as a whole, discuss areas that we can maybe look to change, or improve, and to discuss the priorities for the new year. The meeting was kindly hosted by Dave Thomson at the Spirit of Yorkshire Distillery near Filey. The discussion was as enjoyable as the surroundings and appreciated by all who were able to make it.
As we all look forward to the festive season, and hope for those motorcycle related presents, those who continue to ride will be looking out for those bright sunny, but maybe somewhat cold, days to get out for a quick ride!
Until next time….