Despite approaching the even more inclement weather, October was another very busy month for ARNY with 21 training sessions involving 10 Associates and 12 Tutors. Saturday morning training now runs quite efficiently, which is reflected in the number of Associates who are coming along, and the number of Tutors involved. We welcomed another 2 new members and we wish Ben and Cath all the very best with their future training.
There was an ARNY Committee meeting in the middle of the month, which will be the last Committee meeting of the year. In addition to the normal agenda items there was a review of the first ARNY Social weekend which was universally considered to be a great success. Whilst there was an agreement that the good weather was a great help, all the feedback from participants was positive with clearly a lot of expectation, and hope, that this will now become an annual event.

As we approach the end of the year there was also some discussion around the potential dates for 2024 events. The Annual General Meeting will be held in March and this is an event that is open to everyone. As always all of the Committee member positions will be up for renewal, and anybody interested is more than welcome to get involved. We are looking at potentially changing the format of the AGM to some degree so keep an eye out for more details. There was also discussion around potential dates for the 2024 Tutor training weekend and end of year review where we will look back at 2023 and highlight those things that went well, and any opportunities for improvement.
We often get asked about the availability of the ARNY logo’d garments that some Tutors, and others, wear. This has been an area for discussion for quite a while and we are now at the point where we have the information required to communicate out. The garments are provided by a supplier in Selby and we have asked them to provide the relevant details for anybody who may be interested. This information will be circulated soon so that anybody who wants ARNY logo’d gear will have details to be able to contact the supplier and get what they want directly from them. Again, keep an eye out through the normal channels for more information.

October also saw a lot of our Tutors undergoing Tutor check rides. As part of our drive to ensure a consistent approach to training, all Tutors are encouraged to have a Tutor Check ride once per year. This involves the Tutor who is doing the training being joined by another Tutor who is then able to highlight any areas that could be improved or changed for the benefit of all. This obviously needs enough Tutors to be available to support this programme and in October there were sufficient around on a Saturday morning to carry out many of these check rides such that most Tutors have now completed their annual check ride.
We have now started the Winter Training Attendance spreadsheet for anybody wishing to train to put their name down. Winter training is no way expected and is purely an individual choice as to whether to train or not. Training will continue throughout the winter but may be cancelled on a specific weekend if the weather is not suitable.
The Winter Training spreadsheet has been communicated out and is now being used. There are some changes to the spreadsheet including the fact that Tutors are listed on a separate page and the training end destinations have not been detailed as these will be decided on a weekly basis. Post Test trainers are not listed but are encouraged, and welcome, to contact one of the Tutors or email secretary@arny.org.uk if they would like a training session so that they can be included in training for any given Saturday. These changes have been made to make things a bit simpler for the winter period and we will adjust the spreadsheet again for the 2024 summer training period.
We are all hoping that as we approach the end of the year, those who continue to ride will find some opportunities to get out and about.
Until next time…..