Some better Summer weather finally arrived in June which helped to make it a very busy month for all at ARNY. Training continued in full flow with 23 training sessions involving most of the Tutors as well as some post-test training for those who are approaching re-test time.
At the beginning of the month, ARNY Tutor Simon W posted on Facebook about his trip to Scotland which looked to have been a great break with some great riding. It is always good to hear from ARNY members who are on their travels so please feel free to post of Facebook with details of your adventures.

ARNY continues to support the North Yorks Fire and Rescue Firebike scheme and it was great to see Karl become the latest Firebike team member to pass his RoSPA test with a creditable Gold. Having now passed his test Karl will be signed off to ride the Firebike and spread the word with the rest of the team so congratulations to Karl for a job well done.
ARNY member Phil Aspinall is doing a UK Coastal ride raising money for Andy’s Man Club and he was seen on Facebook raising awareness, and hopefully money, for his forthcoming challenge. Keep an eye out for more information on this event and how you can support it. It will be possible to catch up with Phil on his travels as well as contribute to a great cause. A few ARNY members were also spotted riding in Cawood, and photographed, by Simon Binns Photos who are out and about at times taking photos of bikers. The photo’s are available to purchase with the proceeds going to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A couple of ARNY members, including Chairman Steve Potts on his new bike, took

advantage and purchased their photographs.
The Wednesday Wobble was a very well supported event with 14 bikes in attendance, some with pillions, on what turned out to be a very pleasant summers evening. The route was a typically interesting adventure led by John Neaves which ended at the bike night at Seaways Café. There were some great photos posted of the evening which was enjoyed by all who attended.
June seems to have been an attractive month for new bikes with several ARNY members posting pictures of their most recent purchases ranging from a Royal Enfield Himalayan to the more predictable GSAs!
Some were able to try out their new bikes on the final event of the month which was the Sunday Social ride via Wickenby finishing at Lincoln Bomber Command. It was a great ride out, led by Simon W in his usual excellent fashion, which was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by all who attended. Phill Bates took the time to meet the arrivals at the final destination and did a great job of marshalling all to ensure a great end of ride photograph shown above! A great ride, ending in a remarkable end place which many who attended vowed to re-visit to allow more time to take it all in.

One point that came up in discussion during training is that of the end destination for training. The planned end destination for training for any given Saturday is posted on the Attendance Spreadsheet but if the end destination does not suite the Associate, or Tutor and mutually agreed end point can be, and should be, agreed. As such Associates are encouraged to come along for training even if the posted end point is not suitable as it can be easily changed.
As outlined above June turned out to be an excellent month with all of the social and training activities coming together to make for a great time had by all. We look to the good weather continuing and some more warm and sunny riding.
Until next time….