The busy times continued for ARNY throughout July with a full training month along with the normal summer social program. We welcomed three new members, and we wish Jez, Chris and Mike all the very best with their future training. We continue to attract a wide range of new members with varied riding backgrounds and levels of experience, ranging from those who have only recently passed their tests, through to those with previous advanced test passes and many years of experience. This shows the value of the training ARNY offers to all types of riders to address all types of personal drivers.
The month started with ARNY Tutor Phill Bates posting on Facebook about his Dad’s copy of Roadcraft that he recently found from over 50 years ago. Phill notes how the content and structure is surprisingly close to that of the current copy we all use as the basis for our ongoing training and riding. With all the developments and changes to the bikes we ride over the last 50 years it is good to see that some things don’t change!

ARNY Tutor Paul Stead had a busy month hosting both the Wednesday Wobble and the Sunday social ride. The Wednesday Wobble was one of the best attended with 16 riders joining up for a ride on a beautiful summer’s evening ending at Hovingham. The Sunday Social ride was a great relaxed ride on another sunny day taking in Richmond, the Dales and finishing in a busy Masham with some hot chocolate, cakes and ice cream along the way. Many thanks go to Paul for two great social rides thoroughly enjoyed by all who went along.

As detailed in the title above, in August we are looking forward to some more great riding with training as normal as well as a notable challenge for ARNY Tutor Phil Aspinall. Along with Phil’s mate Paul, they are undertaking a 5000 mile trip around the coastal roads of the UK on their Africa Twins. The challenge has been arranged to support the charity ANDYSMANCLUB. This is no small undertaking and Phil and Paul have already raised an amazing amount of money and are a good way to achieving their target. We, as ARNY, have supported the initiative and, if you would like to make a personal donation, the link to the page can be found HERE.

Phil and Paul are starting their ride from the 7 Lakes Country Park in Crowle on Tuesday August 13th and the itinerary for the ride is detailed here. I am sure Phil and Paul would be delighted to see any ARNY members who are able to join them along the way and we look forward to following them both on their journey. We wish them the best of luck and we trust they have a safe and successful trip.
ARNY will also be supporting the Scarborough Fire Station Open Day on Saturday August 10th as part of our support for the North Yorks Fire and Rescue Service and their Firebike scheme. This is an event we attended last year and we will be present to introduce ARNY and explain what we do, and how, to any interested parties.
Lots going on and we look forward to yet another busy month for all in August.
Until next time….