As we start the new calendar year, those that are riding throughout the year have taken the opportunity to get out and about when the weather has allowed. Due to the weather and early morning icy conditions we only managed two Saturday morning training sessions in the month but they were well attended by various Tutors wanting to get out for a coffee and a chat, joined by a couple of Associates.

We were very pleased to get our first test pass with Denise timing it very well and delivering a Gold ride on a beautiful day in North Yorkshire. We hope that this will be the first of many test passes in the year to come. We also welcomed three new members in January, which is usually a very quiet month for new members, and we welcome Ian, Steve and Dave and we wish them all the very best for their future training.
Geoff Hale hosted a ride out in the middle of the month, which survived the weather and all those who came along enjoyed a good days riding in the North York Moors and Dales. The route was expertly adapted to accommodate some flooding but everybody enjoyed getting out and about.

We are now working on the social ride plans for the coming year and this will be one of the subjects up for discussion at the ARNY Committee meeting on Feb 10th. We are looking on capitalising on the the social rides and experiences of 2022, which seemed to be much appreciated by all. Keep your eyes open for the 2023 calendar which will be posted on the website and on the other media channels we use. If you have any specific ideas, or requests, feel free to make them known quickly by contacting marketing@arny.org.uk and they will be put in to the mix. The calendar is not set in stone and we can make some changes or add a few events throughout the year if the demand is there.
The other date for diaries is March 14th when the ARNY AGM will take place in York as usual. More details will be sent out nearer the time but all are welcome to come along and, as always, all of the Committee positions will be up for renewal so this is of interest please let one of the current committee know.
With the snowdrops just beginning to show their heads, and the evenings becoming a bit lighter, we are beginning to become hopeful for the better weather to come.
Until next time….