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Look Back at August

Dave Reeve

Despite the fact that the weather continued the theme of July, being rather mixed and unsettled, August turned out to be another typically busy month for ARNY with all of the usual activities in full flow. We welcomed two new members, one of which signed up at the Scarborough Fire Station Open Day at the beginning of the month. ARNY were well represented by Denise Noha and Paul Stead, which was much appreciated, and they both managed to dodge the rain, until the journey home!

The second training Saturday of the month was a busy start at Strawberry Fields with 8 Associates coming along for training along with a group of post-test riders who joined Chris Chittock for a group ride out. The post-test rides are a great way for people to remain connected with the Club after they have completed their test and it is great to see that we have now got some real traction behind these rides. They normally end at the same destination as the general training giving the opportunity for a coffee and chat with all at the end. Keep an eye out on WhatsApp and Facebook for details of the rides.

August was also a busy month for RoSPA tests with several Associates taking their tests along with Tutors and post-test members having their tri-annual re-test. Congratulations to all for their various achievements, which are the result of a great deal of hard work, and are always great to hear about.

There was a much appreciated Wednesday Wobble in the middle of the month led by Simon Wilson with reports of a great ride with great company and great food at the end! Many of the Tutors joined up for an impromptu ride out organised by Paul Stead, which

was a round trip of 270 miles for some and with all enjoying the great weather. There was the usual end of month Sunday Social ride which was the annual trip up north taking in the delights of Hartlepool Marina and ending up at the Rusty Bike Café in Swainby. The showers were dodged, to a degree, although some reported some challenging weather conditions on their trip back home!

There was a Committee Meeting in the middle of the month where the Committee had a chance to catch up with where we are with various issues as we come towards the back end of the riding season. There was a discussion on some of the details for the upcoming Social Weekend, organised by Geoff Hale, on 29th to 31st September. An event like this is a new venture for ARNY and we have some 20 bikes coming along for what promises to be a great weekend. Due to the fact that several of the Tutors will also be attending, the usual Saturday training will be cancelled on Saturday 30th. For those attending, keep an eye out for further comms and updates on the usual channels.

At the time of writing, we are enjoying a return to summer with many taking the chance to do a bit more riding. Let’s hope the good weather continues for the start of Autumn.

Until next time….


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