The last month of the summer proper was another active one for ARNY on all fronts with a full training schedule and several social activities. Tutor Phil Aspinall, with his co-rider Paul, were busier than most of us completing their UK coastal challenge throughout the month.
There were a very impressive 28 training sessions in August involving 15 Associates. We welcomed another three new members, and we wish Jez, Stephen and Andy all the very best with their forthcoming training.

August also saw us welcome Paul Batty to the Tutor team and we congratulate him on a job well done as he successfully completed his training. Paul will be a welcome addition to the team.
As reported in the July "Look Back" Tutor Phil Aspinall, and his fellow rider Paul, spent most of the month on their bikes as they completed a 5000 mile ride around the UK coast to raise money for ANDYSMANCLUB. The whole adventure can be reviewed on Phil’s Facebook page (20+) Facebook where there are some great pictures and details of the whole trip. The adventure started on August 13th and Phil and Paul finished riding, and camping, around the coast of the UK on Sept 1st. Many congratulations to them both for what is a very impressive achievement. The amount raised is also very impressive and there is still a chance to make a donation if

you wish to do so; Phil - Paul is fundraising for ANDYSMANCLUB (justgiving.com)
Simon Wilson kindly stepped up to host the mid-month Wednesday wobble which involved a ride out to Hemsley finishing in the requisite fish and chips which were appreciated by all. There was also a regular post-test ride for those who have passed their test and wish to join others for a ride out on a Saturday morning. Keep an eye out on the Attendance spreadsheet for details of the social events and simply put a YES next to your name if you intend to go along.

The month ended with a Sunday social ride which was hosted by Bev Green and was a re-run of a social ride planned last month which had to be cancelled due to the weather. The low mist and drizzle meant that the scenery was not quite as hoped but Bev had done a great job of organising an excellent route with a cake stop at the Muker Village Store & Teashop with all enjoying some outstanding hospitality, and memorable cakes! The ride across the Dales, working around the somewhat unhelpful sheep, was much appreciated by all that made it.

The ARNY social weekend is planned for 27th to 29th September so there will be no training that weekend. The current Attendance spreadsheet runs up until the end of September and then, as always, there will be a new spreadsheet to take us over the Autumn and Winter period. Please keep an eye out for the link to the new spreadsheet which will be posted on the usual channels as well as on the website. It is appreciated if you can indicate your intention to train, or attend a social event, on the spreadsheet.
As we enter the Autumn period we are all hoping for some continued good riding weather extending, at least, until the social weekend!
Until next time….