ARNY have been in discussions with Andy Creasey, pictured above, of the North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service following the launch of their Firebike scheme.
Firebike is a new and exciting project for North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service which is supported by the York & North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership. FireBike sets out to Reduce Injuries by Direct Engagement (RIDE) with motorcyclists and other road users by being at the very heart of community events and connecting directly with bikers at specific motorcycle meeting points.
The FireBike team is made up of Fire Service personnel who each bring expert knowledge of the emergency services alongside a passion for motorcycles and rider safety with the sole objective of promoting road safety through education and training. The scheme is focussed on some specific deliverables such as Biker Down and Bikesafe courses as well as the promotion of all aspects of safe riding promoted by the newly acquired Firebike which will be seen at events all around North Yorkshire.
More details of the Firebike scheme can be found at: Motorcycles - North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service (northyorksfire.gov.uk)
We are very pleased to announce that the Firebike will be making an appearance at the ARNY Open Day at Strawberry Fields on April 9th. As the Firebike initiative develops ARNY will be supporting the Firebike team through the provision of Advanced Training for the team members. More news to follow on this initiative - a true meeting of minds focussed on helping riders become safer in every respect.
