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Alf Garnett

Advanced Tutor - Diploma




Lives in Ripon


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My Story

I started biking in the 80's and managed to survive 2 years as Despatch Rider in London so must have been doing something right.  Like many, I started my Advanced Training in 2005 with the IAM and, on passing their test, started as an Observer gaining Senior Observer and eventually Chief Observer before moving to live in Germany for a while. On return to UK I decided to start tutoring again but was attracted to RoSPA for its regular re-testing which I saw as being logical and a good way of maintaining one's skill sets. I passed at Gold and immediately re-entered the tutoring side undertaking and passing the RoSPA Diploma in 2015. I have been a Senior Tutor with the West Yorks group since then and now share my tutor time with ARNY who are a very welcoming, professional team. 


When not on the bike, walking our 3 Border Collies keeps me pretty busy as does taking our caravan around the UK.  

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